Rosewood Retirement Village – 2 Bed Flat in Pietermaritzburg – POSTPONED UNTIL FUTHER NOTICE
Auction Expired
Suitable for 55’s and over.
On offer is a neat 2 bedroom 2 bathroom flat in a secure complex boasting a spacious private covered veranda on the ground floor.
Deposit: R20 000 refundable
Original ID and proof of residency to register
Auction Expired because there were no bids
Suitable for 55’s and over.
On offer is a neat 2 bedroom 2 bathroom flat in a secure complex boasting a spacious private covered veranda on the ground floor.
There is an open plan kitchen, dining room, lounge and en-suite bathroom. The floors are finished with laminated wood and tiles and the bedrooms are fitted with good built in cupboards.
The levy includes a 3 course mid-day meal, once a week cleaning service and 24 hour security.
There is also a on site nurse as well as a library and hairdresser.
2 Bedrooms . 2 En-Suite Bathrooms . 1 Dining Area . 1 Lounge Area
Access Gate . Air Conditioner . Built in Cupboards . Kitchen
Paving . Security Post . Wheel Chair Friendly. Ground Floor
Covered Veranda. Laminated Wood And Tiles
Deposit: R20 000 refundable
Original ID and proof of residency to register to bid.
Commission: 10% plus VAT paid by the buyer on the fall of the hammer.
Payment: 5% deposit by EFT on the fall of the hammer and balance within 30 days after confirmation.
Viewing: By appointment only
The rules of the auction and a copy of the consumer protection act can be obtained from our office.
This sale is subject to the following terms and conditions
SALE: The property will be sold to the highest acceptable bidder subject to confirmation by the Executor/Seller, which confirmation or refusal will be given without furnishing any reasons within 14 working days from the date of the sale. If during the confirmation period a higher offer is made, the offer must be made through offices of the Auctioneer, under the same conditions and terms as in this contract with the provision that the original PURCHASER can equal the higher offer within 24 hours.
PURCHASE PRICE: The purchase price is to be paid as follows:
2.1 A Deposit of 5% of the purchase price upon signing of these Conditions of Sale and payable to the Auctioneer.
2.2 The balance on registration of transfer in the name of the PURCHASER for which the PURCHASER will be obliged to furnish an approved bank guarantee within 30 days of confirmation of the sale which guarantee will be payable to the SELLER or his nominee for the full balance or the purchase price, which guarantee will be payable at the Seller’s Attorney.
COSTS: The PURCHASER will also pay on request the Conveyancing costs,
including transfer costs, transfer duty, stamps and all other expenses required to effect transfer into his name. The conveyancing shall be attended to by the SELLER’s ATTORNEY and the SELLER’s ATTORNEY shall be entitled to charge according to the recommended tariff as laid down by the KwaZulu Natal Law Society relating to transfer of immovable property.
AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION: Auctioneers Commission of 10% (TEN PERCENTUM) plus VAT shall accrue and shall be paid to the Auctioneer by the PURCHASER, upon signature of the Offer to Purchase by the PURCHASER. The Auctioneer will hold the Deposit (cl. 2.1) and Auctioneers Commission in the Auctioneers Trust Account until acceptance of this Offer to Purchase by the SELLER. Immediately upon such confirmation and acceptance by the SELLER, the Commission shall be deemed to have been earned and shall be payable to the Auctioneer. In the event of the PURCHASER, for any reason, failing to fulfill his commitment in terms of this clause the Auctioneer shall be entitled to use the Deposit as part payment of its Commission as soon as the SELLER has accepted the offer to Purchase.
TRANSFER: As soon as the PURCHASER has paid or guaranteed the full purchase price together with all the costs and disbursements as mentioned above, the property will be transferred into the name of the PURCHASER which transfer will be effected by the attorneys nominated by the SELLER.
DOMICILIUM AND NOTICES: The PURCHASER chooses as his domicilium
citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, for purposes of service of court process, notices or any other documents or communications whatsoever the address set out in this contract. All notices dispatched to the PURCHASER by registered mail shall be deemed to have reached him five (5) days from date of posting or on the same date if delivered by hand or by E-mail.
BREACH: Should the PURCHASER fail to comply with all or any of the terms and conditions of this agreement the SELLER will be entitled but not obliged to summarily cancel this agreement without giving any notice to the PURCHASER. In the event of such cancellation the PURCHASER will forfeit the deposit towards liquidated damages. Alternatively the SELLER will be entitled to sell the property by public auction or private treaty at the risk and costs of the PURCHASER and loss which may arise as a result of such resale will be payable by the PURCHASER. The PURCHASER will however not benefit by any profit which may arise out of the resale.
VOETSTOOTS: The property is sold “voetstoots” and the SELLER shall not be responsible should it later transpire that the measurements of the property differ from the measurements given and the PURCHASER acknowledges that he has seen and inspected the property noted the derelict buildings thereon and accepts the same as it stands with all defects, latent or otherwise. The property is further sold subject to all conditions and servitudes mentioned in the original and subsequent Deeds of Transfer.
GOOD FAITH: Descriptions and information in advertisements and catalogues or given verbally, are given in good faith.
BEACONS: The SELLER or the Agent is not obliged to point out the beacons or boundaries of this property.
CONFIRMATION: The date of confirmation and acceptance of this agreement by the SELLER shall be within 14 working days from the date of signature hereof, during which time the Purchaser is irrevocably bound by the conditions of this agreement.
POSSESSION: Possession of the property will be given to the PURCHASER on date of Registration of Transfer into the name of the PURCHASER from which date onwards all risk, profit and/or loss in the property will be on the PURCHASER and from which date he/she will be responsible for all assessments and duties payable in respect of the property. If such payments and duties have already been pre-paid, the PURCHASER will be obliged to refund that portion to the SELLER.
LEASE: Possession of the property shall be given and taken, subject to any lease, tenancy or legal or illegal occupation if any from date of registration of transfer. (If applicable)EXISTING TENANTS: The property is sold subject to existing lease agreement(s), if any, and thus to the rights and interests of the existing tenant(s) or lessee(s). The onus will be on the PURCHASER to arrange with the tenant(s) or lessee(s) for the vacation of the property after the sale was confirmed, if the PURCHASER wishes them to vacate the property. (If Applicable).
FIDUCIARY: The PURCHASER acknowledges that he is aware of the fact that the SELLER acts in his fiduciary capacity as Trustee of a Deceased Estate and that this agreement is subject to the Terms of Section 42(2) and 34 of the Estate Act. No. 66 of 1965.
ALTER: The PURCHASER is not entitled to alter, modify and/or add to this property before date of transfer of the property into the name of the PURCHASER.
MISTAKE: Should the Agent commit any mistake during negotiation of this sale, such mistake shall not be binding upon the SELLER or the PURCHASER and shall be rectified immediately.
SIGN: The Highest Bidder will immediately after the sale, sign these Conditions of Sale and if he/she bought “Quo Qualitate” he/she will make known his/her principal’s credentials and authority. The person that signs these Conditions of Sale will under all circumstances also be personally liable for the implementation of the conditions of this agreement even if he/she is acting on behalf of a principal or legal adviser who already exists or is still to be established. The PURCHASER binds him/herself hereby for due fulfillment of the above mentioned Conditions of Sale with which he/she is fully acquainted.
CHOICE OF LANGUAGE: The PURCHASER acknowledges that this contract has been drawn up in a language that he fully understands. (Die KOPER erken dat hierdie Ooreenkoms opgestel is in n taal wat hy/sy volkome verstaan).
The parties agree that this Deed of Sale is subject to the following suspensive condition:
Insofar as may be required in law this sale and the terms and conditions hereof are subject to all necessary consents being obtained from the Master of the High Court and/or the beneficiaries in the estate referred to in the introduction to this agreement, or both, as the case may be. Should such consent not be obtained, or should the Master of the High Court decline for any reason to furnish a certificate in terms of section 42(2) of the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965, then this agreement shall lapse and be null and void. The PURCHASER shall pending such consents, be irrevocably bound by the conditions of this agreement.
Additional information
Terms | This sale is subject to the following terms and conditions: SALE: The property will be sold to the highest acceptable bidder subject to confirmation by the Executor/Seller, which confirmation or refusal will be given without furnishing any reasons within 14 working days from the date of the sale. If during the confirmation period a higher offer is made, the offer must be made through offices of the Auctioneer, under the same conditions and terms as in this contract with the provision that the original PURCHASER can equal the higher offer within 24 hours. PURCHASE PRICE: The purchase price is to be paid as follows: COSTS: The PURCHASER will also pay on request the Conveyancing costs, AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION: Auctioneers Commission of 10% (TEN PERCENTUM) plus VAT shall accrue and shall be paid to the Auctioneer by the PURCHASER, upon signature of the Offer to Purchase by the PURCHASER. The Auctioneer will hold the Deposit (cl. 2.1) and Auctioneers Commission in the Auctioneers Trust Account until acceptance of this Offer to Purchase by the SELLER. Immediately upon such confirmation and acceptance by the SELLER, the Commission shall be deemed to have been earned and shall be payable to the Auctioneer. In the event of the PURCHASER, for any reason, failing to fulfill his commitment in terms of this clause the Auctioneer shall be entitled to use the Deposit as part payment of its Commission as soon as the SELLER has accepted the offer to Purchase. TRANSFER: As soon as the PURCHASER has paid or guaranteed the full purchase price together with all the costs and disbursements as mentioned above, the property will be transferred into the name of the PURCHASER which transfer will be effected by the attorneys nominated by the SELLER. DOMICILIUM AND NOTICES: The PURCHASER chooses as his domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, for purposes of service of court process, notices or any other documents or communications whatsoever the address set out in this contract. All notices dispatched to the PURCHASER by registered mail shall be deemed to have reached him five (5) days from date of posting or on the same date if delivered by hand or by E-mail. BREACH: Should the PURCHASER fail to comply with all or any of the terms and conditions of this agreement the SELLER will be entitled but not obliged to summarily cancel this agreement without giving any notice to the PURCHASER. In the event of such cancellation the PURCHASER will forfeit the deposit towards liquidated damages. Alternatively the SELLER will be entitled to sell the property by public auction or private treaty at the risk and costs of the PURCHASER and loss which may arise as a result of such resale will be payable by the PURCHASER. The PURCHASER will however not benefit by any profit which may arise out of the resale. VOETSTOOTS: The property is sold "voetstoots" and the SELLER shall not be responsible should it later transpire that the measurements of the property differ from the measurements given and the PURCHASER acknowledges that he has seen and inspected the property noted the derelict buildings thereon and accepts the same as it stands with all defects, latent or otherwise. The property is further sold subject to all conditions and servitudes mentioned in the original and subsequent Deeds of Transfer. GOOD FAITH: Descriptions and information in advertisements and catalogues or given verbally, are given in good faith. BEACONS: The SELLER or the Agent is not obliged to point out the beacons or boundaries of this property. CONFIRMATION: The date of confirmation and acceptance of this agreement by the SELLER shall be within 14 working days from the date of signature hereof, during which time the Purchaser is irrevocably bound by the conditions of this agreement. POSSESSION: Possession of the property will be given to the PURCHASER on date of Registration of Transfer into the name of the PURCHASER from which date onwards all risk, profit and/or loss in the property will be on the PURCHASER and from which date he/she will be responsible for all assessments and duties payable in respect of the property. If such payments and duties have already been pre-paid, the PURCHASER will be obliged to refund that portion to the SELLER. LEASE: Possession of the property shall be given and taken, subject to any lease, tenancy or legal or illegal occupation if any from date of registration of transfer. (If applicable)EXISTING TENANTS: The property is sold subject to existing lease agreement(s), if any, and thus to the rights and interests of the existing tenant(s) or lessee(s). The onus will be on the PURCHASER to arrange with the tenant(s) or lessee(s) for the vacation of the property after the sale was confirmed, if the PURCHASER wishes them to vacate the property. (If Applicable). FIDUCIARY: The PURCHASER acknowledges that he is aware of the fact that the SELLER acts in his fiduciary capacity as Trustee of a Deceased Estate and that this agreement is subject to the Terms of Section 42(2) and 34 of the Estate Act. No. 66 of 1965. ALTER: The PURCHASER is not entitled to alter, modify and/or add to this property before date of transfer of the property into the name of the PURCHASER. MISTAKE: Should the Agent commit any mistake during negotiation of this sale, such mistake shall not be binding upon the SELLER or the PURCHASER and shall be rectified immediately. SIGN: The Highest Bidder will immediately after the sale, sign these Conditions of Sale and if he/she bought “Quo Qualitate” he/she will make known his/her principal’s credentials and authority. The person that signs these Conditions of Sale will under all circumstances also be personally liable for the implementation of the conditions of this agreement even if he/she is acting on behalf of a principal or legal adviser who already exists or is still to be established. The PURCHASER binds him/herself hereby for due fulfillment of the above mentioned Conditions of Sale with which he/she is fully acquainted. CHOICE OF LANGUAGE: The PURCHASER acknowledges that this contract has been drawn up in a language that he fully understands. (Die KOPER erken dat hierdie Ooreenkoms opgestel is in n taal wat hy/sy volkome verstaan). SUSPENSIVE CONDITIONS: MASTER AND BENIFICIARIES CONSCENT: (APPLICABLE TO DECEASED ESTATE PROPERTIES). |
Total Bids Placed:
Auction has expired
Auction Expired because there were no bidsAuction started | June 29, 2023 11:00 am |